(Legazpi City, Philippines – March 25, 2020) Educo Philippines has delivered 6,500 N95 face masks to the Department of Health (DOH) Region V, with the aim to help frontline health workers combat the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The organization responded to the call for donations from local hospitals requesting for face masks, protective suits, alcohol, and other basic protective equipment amid the coronavirus crisis.

“Educo is donating 6,500 face masks to the Department of Health after we received appeals on social media for donations of face masks and other personal protective equipment. The face masks will then be distributed to hospitals across the region to help protect our dedicated health workers who are doing everything they can to treat and care for those affected by COVID-19. It is critical that our front liners get all the support they need at this point. We also know that if this situation continues, the poorest and the most vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and children, will be most affected by this health crisis.”, Educo Philippines Country Director Olga E. Rodriguez said.

“We urge everyone to follow the safety precautions from the health authorities, such as practicing proper handwashing, cough etiquette, social distancing, staying indoors as directed by the enhanced community quarantine implemented in their communities.”, she added.

Educo has been responding to emergencies in the Philippines and in other countries across the globe. The child rights organization responded to the Mayon Volcano eruption in 2018 and to Typhoon Tisoy (international name: Kammuri) in 2019. The organization has been working in the Bicol Region and the Zamboanga Peninsula, teaching children how to do proper handwashing and how to protect themselves in times of disasters and crises.

For media inquiries, contact April Sumaylo-Tesz thru email: april.tesz@educo.org or call +639171791240