Request for Quotation – Accommodation, Meals and Venue FUNDACION EDUCACION Y COOPERACION – EDUCO is a private and development foundation organized and existing under the laws of Spain and duly licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with Registration Number FN 200419384 to operate in the Philippines, with central office address in Benny Imperial Drive, Brgy. 18, Cabagñan West, Legazpi City, Philippines. This activity intends to revisit CPP implementation in the partner schools in Educo SPAs covered areas in Albay, and Sorsogon. In this regard, EDUCO, through its Bids and Awards Committee, invites bidders and suppliers to apply for eligibility and to bid for the said project. Please click on the link below to download the Tender Package and more details about the project and the bidding processes and dates. Download the tender package HERE. EDUCO assumes no responsibility whatsoever to compensate or indemnify bidders for any expenses incurred in the bid preparation. The Bids and Awards Committee reserves the right to reject the bid proposal or declare the bidding failure, or not award the contract, and makes no assurance that a contract shall be entered into as a result of this invitation. Interested bidder/supplier may send a Letter of Intent/quotations to the listed address. For inquiries, you may contact Richie A. Alvarez at this mobile number 0985.969.6609 or email