News and Activities

/Educo Philippines

About Educo Philippines

Education and Development for Children
14 09, 2017

200 Bicolano families receive farm tools thru EDUCO-CFK Project

By |September 14th, 2017|DRR, Projects|Comments Off on 200 Bicolano families receive farm tools thru EDUCO-CFK Project

During the first week of September 2017, a series of distribution activities were held in Bato (Camarines Sur) and Libon (Albay) as part of the Education Assistance for Children and Rehabilitation of Livelihood Project or Project EARLi. Two hundred farming families who were worst-hit by Typhoon Nina in December 2016 finally have their farming tools, materials, [...]

1 08, 2017

Up to 270 Bicolano teachers trained on Developmental Reading

By |August 1st, 2017|Education|Comments Off on Up to 270 Bicolano teachers trained on Developmental Reading

For a week last month (13 to 18 July 2017), about 270 reading teachers and coordinators from across Bicol gathered in batches in Naga City to train on Beginning and Developmental Reading with Educo and UP College of Education. Through the training, elementary teachers enhanced their knowledge and skills on literacy instruction. They learned how [...]

13 07, 2017

Boats are back for children in Bato, CamSur

By |July 13th, 2017|DRR, Education, Projects|Comments Off on Boats are back for children in Bato, CamSur

When super typhoon Nina blew away their boats, fisherfolk in Bato, Camarines Sur had to take temporary construction jobs away from their families. They shared with the few who managed not to lose their boats. A day’s worth of one boat’s catch had to be cut in halves or thirds, even. Some are forced to [...]

5 07, 2017

First Educo Early Childhood Project launched

By |July 5th, 2017|Education|Comments Off on First Educo Early Childhood Project launched

Educo just launched its first initiative on early childhood in an effort to contribute to upholding children's right to survival and development. This collaborative endeavor aims to improve child development workers' competencies and implement developmentally appropriate Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) programs in Castilla, Sorsogon. “The hope is through education. The government should have strong [...]

16 06, 2017

Educo signs agreement with DepEd V for project on children

By |June 16th, 2017|Education, Projects|Comments Off on Educo signs agreement with DepEd V for project on children

Fundación Educación y Cooperación (EDUCO) recently signed an agreement with the Department of Education Region V—particularly in the divisions of Albay, Camarines Sur, and Sorsogon—to work with local governments and other stakeholders in implementing the project, Ensure a Nurturing, Accessible and Better Leaner’s Education (Project ENABLE). Project ENABLE is a three-year (2017-2020) project that aims [...]

13 06, 2017

Project HeaR turned over to Pinit ES, Ligao City

By |June 13th, 2017|Education|Comments Off on Project HeaR turned over to Pinit ES, Ligao City

The Healthy Readers Project or Project HeaR was turned over today to Pinit Elementary School in Ligao City, Albay, Philippines. Project HeaR aimed to create a more conducive learning environment in Pinit Elementary School by building a water and sanitation facility as well as providing reading spaces and materials for children. Project HeaR water and sanitation [...]

29 04, 2017

Children were highlights at Project EARLi Launching

By |April 29th, 2017|Events|Comments Off on Children were highlights at Project EARLi Launching

"Payak ang pamumuhay sa aming barangay (Life is simple in our village)," recalled Biboy Gerobin, 12 years old, a primary school student in Buluang Elementary School, Camarines Sur. Biboy described life in his community as simple. Families get by and are able to eat three times a day. Kids go to school. Biboy, 12, got emotional [...]

3 04, 2017

Educo Study: Most Child Protection Councils not yet fully functional

By |April 3rd, 2017|Participation|Comments Off on Educo Study: Most Child Protection Councils not yet fully functional

A baseline study recently conducted in select municipalities of Bicol reveals that most Local Councils for the Protection of Children (LCPC)—especially in barangays—have low awareness on their mandates as primary duty bearers of child rights in their communities. LCPCs do not meet every quarter, have no annual work and financial plans, nor engage children’s meaningful [...]

10 01, 2017

Schools and communities at center of Educo’s post-Nina response

By |January 10th, 2017|DRR, Education, Emergency|Comments Off on Schools and communities at center of Educo’s post-Nina response

10 January 2016--Typhoon Nina (International Name: Nock-Ten) hit Bicol, Philippines on Christmas Day in December 2016. At its peak, the storm had sustained winds of 185 kph near the center and gustiness of up to 255 kph. It affected up to 1.7 million people in Bicol Region. It wreaked havoc in 613 barangays, almost half [...]

30 12, 2016

Situation Report on Typhoon Nina – Dec 29

By |December 30th, 2016|DRR|Comments Off on Situation Report on Typhoon Nina – Dec 29

 SITUATION REPORT SUBJECT        :           Typhoon Nock Ten Philippines – NINA DATE              :           29 December 2016 FOR                 :           External Information FROM             :           Educo Philippines Source: DOST-PAGASA, P/C/MDRRMCs, DOH5, DSWD5, DILG5, PNP, AFP, DPWH, PRC Albay, BRTTH, CGDBCL, NFA5, DA5 SITUATION On 21 December 2016, 2:00 PM, the Low Pressure Area (LAP) outside the Philippine Area of [...]