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Child Friendly Local Governance

9 05, 2018

    Legazpi, Manito ‘Tungo sa Makabatang Pamamahala’

    By |May 9th, 2018|CFLG, Events, Participation|Comments Off on Legazpi, Manito ‘Tungo sa Makabatang Pamamahala’

    Children comprise a third of society. They are also one of its most capable, most vulnerable, and most valuable members. And yet, children are one of the most unrepresented sectors in governance. Decisions being made for the growth of communities often do not consider the special needs nor engage the unique capacities of children. Fundación [...]

    24 06, 2016

      Child participation is…

      By |June 24th, 2016|CFLG|Comments Off on Child participation is…

      “Participation to me is when children are given voices and opportunities to plan and work along the four broad categories [survival, development, participation and protection] of child rights,” says Edward Quintana-Abeleda when asked about his most significant learning on child rights. As a child Community Facilitator (CF) in his village in Sorsogon, 17-year old Edward [...]

      3 06, 2016

        “Empowering a mother is empowering a child”

        By |June 3rd, 2016|CFLG|Comments Off on “Empowering a mother is empowering a child”

        Meet Arline Lascano, married for 12 years and a mother of three kids. Arline and her family lives in an upland village in Pilar, Sorsogon where rice farming, copra production and services are the main sources of income. After getting married, she became a home-maker and did not have any source of income. In December [...]