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Disaster Risk Reduction

28 02, 2025

Educo PH and UNFAO Assess Impact of ST Pepito and Conduct After-Action Review

By |February 28th, 2025|DRR, Events, Livelihood|Comments Off on Educo PH and UNFAO Assess Impact of ST Pepito and Conduct After-Action Review

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Educo Philippines recently conducted an Impact Analysis and After-Action Review (AAR) for Severe Tropical Storm (STS) Pepito (international name: Man-yi), assessing its effects on fisherfolk communities and evaluating the response of the CERF-Anticipatory Action (CERF-AA) Project.

22 01, 2018

Situation Report: Mayon Eruption 2018

By |January 22nd, 2018|DRR|Comments Off on Situation Report: Mayon Eruption 2018

Situation Alert as of 14 February 2018, 8:00 AM: Number of evacuees continue to lower since the Province of Albay issued decampment of evacuees residing within 8-9 kilometer-radius of Mayon Volcano on February 3. There now about 17,000 families (66,000 people) in evacuation centers, about 20% less than the highest recorded number at 86,000. Bulusan Volcano in Sorsogon Province is under Alert [...]

19 01, 2018

Around 9000 children affected by Mayon Eruption

By |January 19th, 2018|DRR, Education, Emergency, Press|Comments Off on Around 9000 children affected by Mayon Eruption

19 January 2018, Legazpi City—According to a Department of Education-Bicol report dated January 16, a total of 8,703 school children were affected by the Mayon Volcano Eruption—5,568 of these are in EDUCO-covered communities. Fundación Educación y Cooperación – EDUCO obtained this report from its coordination efforts during its rapid needs assessment. These children are part of the [...]

14 09, 2017

200 Bicolano families receive farm tools thru EDUCO-CFK Project

By |September 14th, 2017|DRR, Projects|Comments Off on 200 Bicolano families receive farm tools thru EDUCO-CFK Project

During the first week of September 2017, a series of distribution activities were held in Bato (Camarines Sur) and Libon (Albay) as part of the Education Assistance for Children and Rehabilitation of Livelihood Project or Project EARLi. Two hundred farming families who were worst-hit by Typhoon Nina in December 2016 finally have their farming tools, materials, [...]

13 07, 2017

Boats are back for children in Bato, CamSur

By |July 13th, 2017|DRR, Education, Projects|Comments Off on Boats are back for children in Bato, CamSur

When super typhoon Nina blew away their boats, fisherfolk in Bato, Camarines Sur had to take temporary construction jobs away from their families. They shared with the few who managed not to lose their boats. A day’s worth of one boat’s catch had to be cut in halves or thirds, even. Some are forced to [...]

10 01, 2017

Schools and communities at center of Educo’s post-Nina response

By |January 10th, 2017|DRR, Education, Emergency|Comments Off on Schools and communities at center of Educo’s post-Nina response

10 January 2016--Typhoon Nina (International Name: Nock-Ten) hit Bicol, Philippines on Christmas Day in December 2016. At its peak, the storm had sustained winds of 185 kph near the center and gustiness of up to 255 kph. It affected up to 1.7 million people in Bicol Region. It wreaked havoc in 613 barangays, almost half [...]

30 12, 2016

Situation Report on Typhoon Nina – Dec 29

By |December 30th, 2016|DRR|Comments Off on Situation Report on Typhoon Nina – Dec 29

 SITUATION REPORT SUBJECT        :           Typhoon Nock Ten Philippines – NINA DATE              :           29 December 2016 FOR                 :           External Information FROM             :           Educo Philippines Source: DOST-PAGASA, P/C/MDRRMCs, DOH5, DSWD5, DILG5, PNP, AFP, DPWH, PRC Albay, BRTTH, CGDBCL, NFA5, DA5 SITUATION On 21 December 2016, 2:00 PM, the Low Pressure Area (LAP) outside the Philippine Area of [...]

29 12, 2016

Situation Report on Typhoon Nina – Dec 28

By |December 29th, 2016|DRR|Comments Off on Situation Report on Typhoon Nina – Dec 28

SITUATION REPORT SUBJECT        :           Typhoon Nock Ten Philippines – NINA DATE              :           28 December 2016 FOR                :           External Information FROM             :           Educo Philippines Source: Office of the Civil Defense V (Regional Disaster Management Center, Camp Gen. Simeon A. Ola, Legazpi City; Primary Data Collection Educo Philippines through the [...]

10 06, 2016

Path back to (not so) normal…

By |June 10th, 2016|DRR|Comments Off on Path back to (not so) normal…

Without a doubt, children belong to the most vulnerable population affected by any kind of disaster.  Aside from access to clean water, food, clothing and shelter, schooling is usually interrupted due to damages in school materials and infrastructures. Repair of these facilities are usually least prioritized during emergencies.  Where school buildings are not destroyed, these [...]