News and Activities



6 02, 2020

Job Opening: Community Development Facilitator

By |February 6th, 2020|Events|Comments Off on Job Opening: Community Development Facilitator

JOB OPENING Fundación Educación y Cooperación – EDUCO Philippines is a local branch of a child-focused international development organization, with head office in Spain.  EDUCO places child’s rights at the core of its activities and supports local civil society organizations and government units in strengthening their capacities to guarantee the realization of children’s rights. Community Development [...]

13 06, 2019

This Independence Day, free children from labor

By |June 13th, 2019|Events|Comments Off on This Independence Day, free children from labor

12 June 2019, Legazpi City—Children shouldn’t work in fields, but on dreams! This is the theme as the world commemorates the World Day Against Child Labor, which also coincides with the Philippine’s  celebration of its 121st  Independence Day. June 12th marks the day the country declared itself free and independent, able to govern towards a future [...]

9 05, 2018

Legazpi, Manito ‘Tungo sa Makabatang Pamamahala’

By |May 9th, 2018|CFLG, Events, Participation|Comments Off on Legazpi, Manito ‘Tungo sa Makabatang Pamamahala’

Children comprise a third of society. They are also one of its most capable, most vulnerable, and most valuable members. And yet, children are one of the most unrepresented sectors in governance. Decisions being made for the growth of communities often do not consider the special needs nor engage the unique capacities of children. Fundación [...]

8 03, 2018

EDUCO condemns the fact that thousands of young girls abandon school to work or get married

By |March 8th, 2018|Events|Comments Off on EDUCO condemns the fact that thousands of young girls abandon school to work or get married

8th March 2018—On International Women’s Day, EDUCO is reiterating its commitment to education as a fundamental tool for fighting against the discrimination and violence suffered by girls and women all over the world. Macarena Céspedes, Head of Advocacy at EDUCO, confirms that “today women still have fewer opportunities than men and, when they do have [...]

7 12, 2017

EDUCO pushed for ‘State of Children Address’ in 2017 children’s month celebrations

By |December 7th, 2017|Events, Press|Comments Off on EDUCO pushed for ‘State of Children Address’ in 2017 children’s month celebrations

The Philippines celebrates its National Children’s Month every November. This coincides with the anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which is also celebrated on the 20th day of every November. Activities part of the Children’s Month has traditionally included talent shows, art contests, and learning symposia, among others. [...]

29 04, 2017

Children were highlights at Project EARLi Launching

By |April 29th, 2017|Events|Comments Off on Children were highlights at Project EARLi Launching

"Payak ang pamumuhay sa aming barangay (Life is simple in our village)," recalled Biboy Gerobin, 12 years old, a primary school student in Buluang Elementary School, Camarines Sur. Biboy described life in his community as simple. Families get by and are able to eat three times a day. Kids go to school. Biboy, 12, got emotional [...]

12 12, 2016

Batang Preparado, Protektado: Educo highlights child participation in disaster preparedness

By |December 12th, 2016|Events|Comments Off on Batang Preparado, Protektado: Educo highlights child participation in disaster preparedness

    As rainy season intensifies across the country, Educo is doing an awareness campaign entitled, 'Batang Preparado, Protektado!' Part of the awareness campaign is the distribution of rainy season protective gears, umbrellas and raincoats, to its partner schools in Albay and Camarines Sur. Orientation sessions are also being given to supreme student and pupil governments in [...]

14 11, 2016


By |November 14th, 2016|Events, Press|Comments Off on #KalingaHindiKulungan

Featured Story Youth voices highlighted at #KalingaHindiKulungan Culminating Event Arman Granado was 10 years old when his mother left him to the care of his uncle in exchange for gambling money. He later found work as a household help for an employer who refused to pay him his full salary. At a young [...]