by Ivan Rosario, 2024 Intern for Communication and Advocacy

“We have learned that proper discipline for children is not achieved through physical punishment,” shares one parent, reflecting the transformative impact of the roll-out sessions on Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting (PDEP) implemented by Educo Philippines in 11 out of 15 target barangays in Catanduanes last June 19 to 28, 2024.

PDEP primarily aimed to equip parents with non-violent disciplinary methods. It seeks to increase their knowledge of the concepts and importance of positive discipline, contribute to the changing of cultural practices on disciplining children, promote non-aggressive communication and relationships between them, as well as build their parenting skills and practices in the context of positive parenting and conflict resolution.

This activity is another project of Educo Philippines targeting active community parents, Child Development Workers (CDWs), as well as Supervised Neighborhood Playgroup Volunteers (SNPVs) in various barangays in the said municipality.

Along with selected barangay children organization’s officers, community volunteers, and selected councils, these roll-out sessions were facilitated by trained CDWs and SNPVs.

“During the [conduct of the] sessions, we are happy because as a mother who has no other duty but to love and care for our families, we had the opportunity to share our experiences as parents,” shares Siony Abines, another parent in the said event.

Empowering parents through positive discipline

As part of the PACES III Project, this 9-day roll-out session provided comprehensive skills and knowledge to the participants to understand how to properly discipline their children, focusing on topics such as the introduction to positive discipline, the difference between short-term and long-term goals for parents, the importance of providing warmth and structure to a child, and positive problem-solving and responding in disciplining children.

“Because of the training, I now understand that it is better to be gentle and calm when talking to my child,” says Margie Eustaquio, another parent, sharing her learnings from the sessions.

In addition, PDEP paved the way for the participants to understand how children feel and think, as well as the stages of child development.

“We have learned to be more understanding and considerate towards children in their actions and accomplishments, which can help solve problems through proper communication,” one parent remarked.

On positive parenting

As Educo Philippines advocates for child protection, PDEP is an initiative to broaden the perspective of parents in the context of disciplining their children, addressing their problems not only within their families but in their communities as well. It offered invaluable lessons on positive parenting to different kinds of parents in the locale where it was conducted.

“I have learned a lot from positive discipline that I can share with other parents,” one parent said.

First-time mothers also found the sessions effective in their journey towards positive parenting.

“Attending the training has been a great help to me as a first-time mom because I have seen and heard about various qualities of a mother or parent. I have also learned many things that I can apply to my child,” shares Maria Paola, one of the participants.

Meanwhile, the facilitators also noted positive feedback from parents and their commitment to applying the learned techniques to their families, especially their children, despite difficulties.

“As a facilitator and child development worker, I am happy with all their feedback indicating their understanding of the importance of positive discipline,” says Sylvia Rodriguez, a CDW and one of the facilitators.

The PDEP roll-out sessions in Catanduanes have marked a significant development towards promoting a community that values non-violent discipline and positive parenting. As parents apply and nurture these practices, it reduces their possibility of utilizing corporal punishment, which fosters stronger and healthier family relationships.

Educo’s dedication to equipping parents with these critical abilities highlights the organization’s overarching goal of advancing community-based child protection. As the sessions come to an end, the organization looks forward to the ripple effect of positive change brought by this initiative spreading not just in Catanduanes but in different communities as well.