As the approaches in raising a child progress, cultural practices on disciplining children evolve, too. Educo Philippines trains parents and teachers for a non-violent discipline, and kinder problem solving and conflict resolution with children instead of utilizing corporal punishment.

Last May 21-24, 2024, a four-day training and roll-out planning for Child Development Workers, Supervised Neighborhood Play Volunteers, Community Volunteers, and Teachers attended the Positive Discipline for Everyday Parenting (PDEP), while the Positive Discipline for Everyday Teaching (PDET) which was attended by Secondary Teachers commenced last May 22-24, both held at La Piazza Hotel.

The May 2024 PDEP and PDET training is under Project PACES (Partnership for Access to Quality Early Childhood Care and Education Services) and Project STEPS (Strategic Approach towards engaging children in their protection and ensuring a safe and protective environment for children and adolescents). Project PACES, now on its third installment, strongly emphasizes play as a fundamental right to the development of children, most especially in their formative years while Project STEPS, one of the newest projects of Educo, aims to demonstrate active participation in child-led and community-led prevention and protective initiatives.

First batch of PDEP and PDET Training

Earlier this year, the first set of training for trainers on PDEP training commenced last April 16-18, 2024, in the provinces of Albay, Sorsogon, and Catanduanes. It was a part of Educo Philippines’ Project on Strategic Approach Towards Engaging Children in their Protection and Ensuring a Safe and Protective Environment for Children and Adolescents (STEPS) for Albay and Sorsogon, while Catanduanes’ was part of the Project PACES. The April 2024 PDEP Training was conducted to educate the parents and teachers-participants on active participation in child-led and community-led prevention and protective initiatives during normal times of crisis and disasters among children and adolescents.

“I am grateful to understand the concept of positive discipline. The parenting journey is challenging. Thank you for this training which helped us realize that our negative responses to children due to stress were normal. I’m taking on the responsibility of carrying out positive discipline once I return to our home, with full confidence that it will immensely benefit,” a participant said.

Playful Parenting, Positive Discipline

With the objective of building parenting skills and practices in non-violent discipline for children in their homes, parent-participants’ first day of the May 2024 PDEP Training focused on toy production using materials that can be found in their homes. According to studies, toys foster a stronger parent-child bonding that helps in the development simulation of the children.

The second day highlighted new approaches and techniques to positive parenting. Discussed during the session are parenting strategies that focus on creating a loving and safe environment while providing guidance and structure for children. By fostering open communication, mutual respect, and child autonomy, parents can strengthen their connection with their children.

Prior to the end of their training, the said participants journeyed to understand deeper how children think and feel from infancy to adolescence to fully understand what each of their behavior means.

On positive teaching

Simultaneously, selected teachers from Educo Philippines’ partner schools in the provinces of Albay and Sorsogon, gathered for their PDET Training. Ms. Clenisa Portugal, a professional Family Ministry practitioner from the Infant Jesus Academy and a partner of E-Net Philippines, served as the main resource person of the said training for educators.

The PDET Training aims to foster a positive, respectful, and growth-oriented classroom environment, ultimately creating a supportive and effective learning environment for students.

Rollout planning

On their last day of training, all participants practiced their critical thinking through exercises to measure their problem-solving skills for everyday parenting. The teacher-participants, on the other hand, learned how to effectively manage their students’ temperaments during challenging situations in school.

Meanwhile, Child Development Workers, Supervised Neighborhood Play Volunteers, and Community Volunteers crafted action plans before the expected roll-out sessions conducted in their respective communities as they return home. On the other hand, the training for secondary teachers also yielded a plan using the PDET Framework to foster a more loving and understanding classroom for a more conducive type of learning. The said roll-out plans are expected to commence from June to July of 2024.

“I gained a better understanding especially in positive discipline. I can apply what I learned in this seminar at the Child Development Center as a Child Development Worker, and also as a parent at home,” a participant shared prior to the end of the four-day long training.

“There have been times when I couldn’t control myself and ended up saying hurtful words to my child. I realized that it was wrong, as I said almost all the hurtful words out of anger,” another participant added.

Another teacher-participant also shared his delight after the PDET Training. Raymond Arcos, a secondary teacher from Salvacion National High School, expressed that this training was, by far, the best training he had in his career as an educator.

As the strive to promote child protection continues, Educo Philippines encourages every parent to embrace a positive discipline approach in their everyday parenting to foster a positive environment for every child.


With reports from Via Jo Mae Iglesia, Trisha Maala (Sponsorship Assistants), and Myra Mangampo, Karla Jane San Juan, Remelita Arciga (Project Officers)