UPFRONT is an Explorative Study on the Notions, Perceptions, Beliefs and Understanding of Filipino Child Well-being. UPFRONT seeks to understand the concept of “well-being” as a process and in the context of Filipino children from their lens as rights-holders and also with perspective of their duty bearers.

Well-being or specifically child well-being is often the center for decision making of many key government agencies, civil society organizations, academic institutions, and other duty bearers. However, the concept of wellbeing itself is often referred to as an elusive concept in the Philippine context given its western origin and unknown direct translation to Filipino. The closest terms related to well-being in Filipino may include ‘kaginhawaan’, ‘kapakanan’, and ‘kagalingan’, all of which correspond to their closest English counterparts of comfortable, welfare and excellence – but not precisely equivalent to well-being. For Educo, its existing definition of child well-being as the interaction between the dimensions of material, relational and subjective can be further reviewed and revisited for purposes of indigenization, localization and programmatic fitting for each country office such as the endeavor of this project for the Philippines.

This study will undertake an in-depth examination of an undeveloped national consciousness and the importance of defining what Filipino Child Well-being is or what factors constitute to its meaning. Educo will also leverage this study as evidentiary basis for government to further intensify projects, activities and programs advancing the rights and interests of children in the Philippines. Key activities would include the use of Filipino indigenous research methods, participatory workshops, and development of policy paper or advocacy after completion of the research. In terms of programming, the creation of an operational definition of ‘Filipino Child Well-being’ will allow the organization to ensure greater contextual relevance and appropriateness of its interventions towards intended project beneficiaries.

The study will anchor itself with current planning documents of government with direct relevance to the attainment of growth and development of Filipinos such as but not limited to AmBisyon Natin! 2040, Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028, National Plan of Action for Children 2023-2028. In addition, the study is expected to raise awareness on domestic laws and international agreements entered into by the Philippines concerning the advancement and protection of rights of the children such as but not limited to Child and Youth Welfare Code, Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

July 2024 to September 2025

Schools and communities within the provinces of Albay, Sorsogon, and Catanduanes, and potentially other regions, National Government Agencies (NGAs), academic institutions, and other Civil Society Organizations.

General Objective:
The social research action’s general objective is to further explore and analyze the concept of well-being for Filipino children both as a state and process through decolonization, indigenization, and contextualization processes as espoused by Agham Panlipunang Pilipino (Filipino Social Sciences) with triangulation from the qualitative and quantitative data originating from the Masang Pilipino (Filipino Masses/Public) and Gobyerno ng Pilipinas (Philippine Government).

Specific Objectives:
1. To record, profile, and probe responses from various Filipinos, both children and adults, in answering questions concerning their perceptions, beliefs and aspirations on what child wellbeing is, and in crafting a responsive operational definition of Filipino Child Wellbeing
2. To identify the salient points on convergence and divergence of Educo’s Child Wellbeing with that of prevailing narratives and concepts on Filipino Social Sciences such as ‘ginhawa’ and establish an operational definition of ‘Filipino Child Wellbeing
3. To conduct a policy and program analysis on the government’s existing statutes, plans, issuances, programs, projects and activities on children and the advancement of their rights and wellbeing

Expected Outcomes:
1. Generate a summative dataset on and an operational definition of wellbeing of Filipino children that will serve as baseline reference to craft institutional documents, projects, activities and other relevant interventions dedicated towards the advancement of their rights and wellbeing
2. Enrich Educo’s Child Wellbeing Approach in the Philippines through localization, contextualization, and indigenization by utilizing ‘ginhawa’ and other relevant indigenous concepts borne out of Agham Panlipunang Pilipino (Filipino Social Sciences)
3. Contribute to the reinforcement of Educo’s reputable expert identity as a reference organization on child wellbeing through policy advocacy, social campaigning, conscious branding and other civic engagements that facilitate increased public interest on well-being of children

Major Activities:
1. Preparatory and Planning Activities
2. Literature Review and Secondary Data Collection
3. Primary Data Collection through mixed metholodogies anchored on Filipino indigenous research methods such as Ginabayang Talakayan (collective Indigenous Discussion) and Pagtatanong-Tanong (Improvised /Unstructured Interview)
4. Participatory Workshops
5. Data Analysis and Report Writing
6. Popularization/Communication Advocacy on Results of the Research