29th July 2020.- To mark the World Day Against Trafficking which takes place tomorrow, the NGO Educo warns that the COVID-19 pandemic could increase the risk of children and adolescents becoming victims of trafficking. “Many countries have opted for confining families to prevent them from getting sick or spreading the virus. While this measure can be effective on a public health level, it could also increase the risk of children and adolescents becoming victims of trafficking, as it is not always the most appropriate way to protect them from other risks such as violence within the home or the possibility of being caught up in trafficking, abuse and exploitation online” explains Laurence Cambianica, head of Protection at Educo.


Because of the global pandemic and the closure of schools, children and adolescents have had to use the internet to be able to continue the school year virtually. Educo warns that the fact that they are not prepared enough to navigate this environment and do not know how to use social media correctly can pose a significant risk to them. “This is added to the economic difficulties which many families are going through. Criminal trafficking networks are benefitting from this situation and have developed new strategies. On the one hand, they make the most of the financial problems families are experiencing and deceive them by offering false ways of earning money, in order to attract new victims. On the other, because they are spending more time connected to the internet, children and adolescents are more exposed to being caught, either through online games, social media or other websites”, Cambianica explains.


Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human rights and affects millions of people, with girls and women being the most affected. According to the United Nations, more than 70% of victims of human trafficking are female. Sexual exploitation and forced labour are the predominant forms of human trafficking, representing around 90% of identified cases. The remaining 10% are people captured to be exploited for the purpose of organ trafficking, child begging, forced marriage and armed conflict. “Trafficking is a phenomenon with a global impact. We must guarantee that children and adolescents are always safe and protected, even in more difficult and complex times. It is all of our responsibility. Dialogue, respect and positive treatment will always be fundamental for ensuring homes are safe places.  Information and knowledge will help us to do this”, assures the head of Protection at Educo.


About Educo: 

Educo is a global development NGO focused on education and child protection which works in 13 countries carrying out projects in which include participation from more than 400,000 children and more than 200,000 adults. 



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Vanessa Pedrosa, Global Media Manager,

April Sumaylo-Tesz, Asia Regional Communications Coordinator,